Tell Travelers About Your Venue Directly At Their Hotel
Virtual Entertainment Concierge touch screens are located in the lobbies of top hotels across the United States, helping travelers find the experience they’re looking for with ease. List your venue in local hotels today.
Featured in select locations

Get Featured in Local Hotels
A listing with the VEC will put your venue in the eyes of travelers in your town, a target market you usually wouldn’t reach.
Show off what you've got
Show up to 12 pictures of your establishment, your shows, or whatever else you’d like to show.
Put your venue on the map
Literally. Your listing will include a map and the ability for potential guests to get turn by turn directions to get to you.
See a Preview of Your Listing!
Before you jump in, we'll build you a sample listing so you can see what your venue's listing would look like on local VEC hotel touch screens. Send us a little information about your venue, and we'll do the rest!
Unlimited page updates, whenever you want
Low annual cost, no monthly fees, exclusive member benefits
Gain crucial exposure over competition in a crowded market
Ability to be featured in the most popular hotels in your area
Interested? Let us know!
Getting listed is easy, fast, and inexpensive. Contact us today to get a quote and get the process started!